Please note that this is a "not so happy" entry. I am kinda feeling a bit low and at my down point right now. :(
We live our lives in this constant cycle of routines that is basically the same everyday, and we like our system of familiarity. But at 11.42 pm as I am sitting on my bedroom floor doing Chemistry homework and looking up at my room mate, who happened to be my neighbor & best friends, I realized that she is not my best friend anymore that I had from middle school through high school...I lost a best friend. The superiority of a old childhood friend triumphs a friend from middle school through high school. So, integrated is my friend into her childhood friend's group, and yes at first I have met them and hang out with them a few times, but slowly she began to plan things without me with them. Everyday, they would eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together (due to preplanning and texting), go on group things together, and hang out. Me, I'm left in the corner with no one to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner with...I feel alone. I never in my life have experience the notion of not making friends during my first week in college. My life is changing and I feel like I am losing my best friend: who promised prior to eat together, go do stuff together, and was going to be my bridesmaid in my wedding. I feel a gutted feeling inside of me that I have lost everything I have by coming to college, and it makes me question whether going to this college had done me justice...I have no friend groups, no lunchtime regulars, and no best friend. That's when it hit me...I am changing, my life is changing. I have been so used to the routine of having friends to eat lunch with. having a solid best friend for the time being, and having my social affairs set. But now, I don't know anymore. I don't feel settled. I feel uneasy. I don't even know what to feel. I feel buried under homework, stress, and feeling social unacceptable :( That's now when I realized that my life is changing, growing into adulthood and coming to light my faith and destiny.
Change is very hard (trust me I am going through one).
Change will bring tears (happy or sad)
Change can bring unexpected things to light.
For those who are feeling what I am feeling right now...we can push through this...I am scared but I know I have to face it. So wishing you all and I good luck. Good luck and keep fighting through this! We can do it!
x o x o