I don't have any photos sadly to post so I guess this will just be a diary entry...also I didn't post Sunday's diary entry because I did absolutely nothing....at all.
So this morning, I set my alarm for 4.10am so I could wake up and study for my chemistry and history and then do my Mandarin reading reflection. However, even though I woke up at 4.10am, my body would not get up so I went back to sleep until 5.45am which then I rushed to get ready and didn't have time to study so I just did my reading reflection.
All we did in Mandarin IV was give our presentation on education which was a bore and gave me time to study chemistry and history.
Biology, I found out from B and S that we had an oral chapter 17 and 18 vocabulary quiz if we had time after our lecture and I thought that was on Wednesday after the test, so I freaked out for like the most part, but we didn't have one.
Lunch, Z left because on the weekend she absolutely had no time to do anything including studying for the two tests so she left and J was P.O that she skipped, but really everyone would do the same thing if her situation was put on them. Our school announced that we were able to sign up for homecoming court and really in my school homecoming court is taken as a joke and no one really does it because we don't have a homecoming dance and its only for the Powerpuff Game that is taking place like next week. B and I decided we wanted to nominate S for Homecoming King and we got the form and he was soooooo P.O which was funny because we weren't going to do it because I mean come on who wants to write an essay.... not me.
Chemistry kinetics test was okay like I had no idea how to solve for the rate constant like I plugged it into the rate expression but I couldn't get k by itself and with time running out....I made some stuff up :P But my teacher, Mrs. P didn't distinguish which is HL and which is SL so we had to do all and I didn't really study the HL material so I just bs'd my way through.
History was actually not that bad except it was freezing in the classroom. Seriously my hands turned into icicles. I felt confident but some parts I really didn't go into much detail as he wanted too so I'm not sure.
My mom, sister and I went to watched the premiere of
Once Upon A Time, but my sister tivo'd the recap special and not the premiere so we ended up watching the recap which is so good because it really sums up what is happening and got my sister and mom into the show. We all ended up watching the premiere on the computer via hulu.com. The premiere was absolutely wonderful! So excited to see what happens! Did any of you guys watched the premiere?
So I finally sat down to work on my college applications....Ohmygawd....it was hell (excuse my language). Luckily, I had my friend D who completed it because I had so many questions because I wanted to make sure I had everything perfect. It is not difficult but tedious. My brain at one point wanted to explode and so I turned to my savior....coffee and cookies. I finally at 9.35 pm finished my first application, sent my transcript, and paid my application fee. Lets hope everything goes well. I still have 5 more application to finish...yay me....Now I have finish my homework (Hamlet...and Biology....oh geez) and study the ACT ( I don't I have time). So I'm going to go cry in a corner now, just kidding!
x o x o