Saturday, June 7, 2014

Currently In Style & Lusting

Lately this spring and summer season I have been noticing that kimono jacket have been currently the "it" article of clothing and I have to agree. A kimono jacket is described as a loose, chiffon jacket that is very light and known to lean towards the bohemian feel.  It is perfect for the spring and summer season because it is not knitted or cotton that would be too warm during the warm weather. I have seen them in various store and have been trying to get my hands on a jacket myself because I love first I love chiffon and second it is a perfect jacket that is perfect for the weather and is still stylish. Kimono jackets are hot, hot, hot! Below are some beautiful kimono jackets at retail stores that are affordable and fashionable!,Ny:True,Ro:0,Up:regular&dsDimensionSearch=D:kimono,Dxm:AllPartial,Dxp:3&dsCompoundDimensionSearch=D:kimono,Dxm:AllPartial,Dxp:3&br=f21&keyword=kimono&fromsearch=true (link towards kimono jackets here at Forever 21) (link towards kimono jackets at Urban Outfitters) (link to H&M) (link to Topshop) (link to ASOS)

1 comment :

  1. All very good points to note!!! Looking forward to seeing what is in the baggies!
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