Friday, May 24, 2013

Just Say Yes!

Yesterday, I had my Senior Honor Night and that was something that made me want to change my perspective and outlook on life going into college because to me college is a fresh start like my 4th chance to have a clean slate and make me who I want to be. It wasn't something academically because I was good in that department, but when it was the departmental awards was when it was apparent that I was a "mundane person" (quoting the student's matrix senior speech) and that I was a person who was afraid and worried what other people think....I wasn't doing anything special..I was just a regular high school student going through the motions..yet I went to an IB school that was all about taking a leap of fate..being a risk taker and yet I wasn't. I was that person that didn't really participate in class, no asking questions, didn't answer questions, didn't perform a lot in front of people because I was afraid. I was afraid mostly of what others thought of me because of my mistakes or looking foolish, but now I realize that being a risk taker is not something to be afraid of but something to strive for because yes we will be judged one way or another and we can't hide it but instead of being shy and scared, we can embrace it and others will be able to see that we are not afraid. Just take a leap of fate because in the end we can either laugh at it when looking back or appreciate it because who knows what it will bring us.

 I watched a youtube video by a beauty guru, Zoella, and her "Just Say Yes" video was very inspirational  and made me realize that in college I don't want to be mundane but take a risk and "JUST SAY YES", yes to the clubs, yes to answering questions, yes to being outgoing and voicing my opinions. Even if you don't have a chance to have a clean slate like me, you still can change too! It doesn't matter what other thinks because most likely you won't see them again in the future, but the only person that opinion does matter and will be with you for the long run is yourself. So be the person you want to be and not what others want you to be. Hold your head up high and never look back! Just say YES!!!!!

x o x o